Fishing Post-Rain: Is It Good To Fish After Rain?

When it comes to fishing, the weather plays a crucial role. Many anglers wonder if it’s good to fish after rain. Well, the answer is YES! Fishing after rain can provide unique opportunities and improve your chances of a successful catch. In this article, we will explore the benefits and strategies for fishing in post-rain conditions, along with valuable tips to make the most of your rainy day fishing trips.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fishing after rain offers advantages and increased activity in the water
  • Understanding fish behavior during and after rain can help you target them more effectively
  • The best time to fish after rain depends on water conditions, temperature, and fish behavior
  • Adjusting your bait and lure selection can make a significant difference in post-rain fishing
  • Locating fish in altered habitats and taking safety precautions are essential in wet weather

Fishing After Rain: An Advantageous Opportunity for Anglers

Fishing after rain can provide a unique and advantageous opportunity for anglers. The weather conditions and increased activity in the water after rainfall can greatly improve your chances of a successful fishing trip. By understanding the benefits of fishing after rain and adjusting your fishing strategy, you can maximize your catch during these conditions.

One of the key benefits of fishing after rain is the change in fishing conditions. Rain often stimulates fish activity, causing them to be more active and aggressive in their feeding. The rainwater washes nutrients into the water, attracting baitfish and smaller prey species, which in turn attracts larger game fish.

“Fishing after rain offers the advantage of increased fish activity and feeding,” explains experienced angler Mark Johnson. “The water conditions become more favorable, providing better visibility and increased oxygen levels, which improves the chances of attracting fish.”

During rainfall, the water is churned, creating a more favorable environment for fish. The rainfall can wash insects and other terrestrial organisms into the water, providing an additional food source for fish. The increased flow of the water also oxygenates the water, making it more suitable for fish feeding and increasing their activity.

When fishing after rain, consider adjusting your fishing techniques to take advantage of the conditions. The increased water flow can cause fish to congregate in certain areas, such as near structures or in eddies. Target these areas when casting your line to increase your chances of a successful catch.

“After rain, fish tend to seek shelter near structures and areas with slower water flow,” advises Johnson. “Targeting these areas with bait or lures that mimic the natural prey can result in more bites.”

Additionally, make sure to use bait or lures that stand out in the slightly turbid water conditions after rain. Brightly colored lures or bait with scent can attract fish in these conditions.

Consider using the following fishing techniques after rain:

  1. Select bait or lures that mimic the natural prey in the water.
  2. Target areas with slower water flow, such as near structures or in eddies.
  3. Use brightly colored lures or bait with scent to attract fish in slightly turbid water.
  4. Adjust your fishing depth to match the fish’s feeding patterns.
  5. Experiment with different retrieve speeds and techniques to entice bites.
Fishing TechniqueDescription
Using Natural PreySelect bait or lures that resemble the natural prey found in the water after rain. This could include worms, small fish, or insects.
Targeting Sheltered AreasFocus on areas with slower water flow, such as near structures or in eddies, where fish seek shelter and food.
Using Bright Lures or Scented BaitUse brightly colored lures or bait with scent to enhance visibility and attract fish in slightly turbid water conditions.
Adjusting Fishing DepthVary your fishing depth to match the feeding patterns of fish. They may be closer to the surface or near the bottom depending on the conditions.
Experimenting with RetrievalTry different retrieve speeds and techniques to mimic the movement of prey and entice bites from active fish.

Fishing after rain provides anglers with a unique opportunity to capitalize on the improved fishing conditions and increased fish activity. By understanding the benefits of fishing after rain and adjusting your fishing techniques, you can greatly enhance your chances of a successful catch. Get ready to enjoy the advantages that post-rain conditions offer and reel in your next memorable catch!

Understanding the Effect of Rain on Fish Behavior

When it comes to fishing after rain, it’s essential to understand how fish behavior can be affected by these weather conditions. Rain can have a significant impact on fish, changing their feeding patterns and movement in the water. By gaining insight into these changes, you can adjust your fishing techniques to target fish more effectively and increase your chances of a successful catch.

The Impact on Feeding Patterns

Rainfall can trigger an increase in aquatic activity, leading to a rise in feeding opportunities for fish. As rainwater washes nutrients and insects into the water, fish become more active in searching for food. This presents a great opportunity for anglers, as hungry fish are more likely to bite. To capitalize on this feeding frenzy, it’s crucial to select the right bait and mimic the natural prey fish are targeting.

Changes in Movement

During and after rain, fish may exhibit changes in their movement patterns. The influx of freshwater during rainfall can alter the current in the water, causing fish to reposition themselves or seek shelter in different areas. By understanding these shifts, you can identify the best spots to cast your line and increase your chances of attracting bites.

Adapting Your Fishing Techniques

Once you grasp how rain affects fish behavior, it’s time to adjust your fishing techniques accordingly. Here are some tips to optimize your fishing experience after rain:

  • Change your bait selection to match the preferred prey of fish in the area.
  • Experiment with different retrieval speeds to mimic the movements of distressed or disoriented prey.
  • Consider varying the depth at which you fish to target fish seeking shelter or taking advantage of specific water layers with higher oxygen levels.
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Keep in mind that fish behavior can vary depending on factors such as the species, water clarity, and temperature. Observing and adapting to these conditions will significantly improve your chances of success while fishing after rain.

Best Time to Fish After Rain

Timing plays a crucial role when it comes to fishing after rain. To increase your chances of a successful fishing experience, it’s important to choose the best time to cast your line. Several factors, including water conditions, temperature, and fish behavior, should be taken into account. By understanding the optimal timing, you can make the most of your fishing trips in rainy or wet weather.

Water Conditions: After rain, the water conditions might change significantly. The water level may rise or fall, the clarity may improve or worsen, and the current may strengthen or weaken. These factors can affect fish movement and feeding patterns. It’s generally advisable to wait until the water stabilizes, allowing fish to adjust to the changed conditions.

Temperature: Post-rain temperatures can impact fish behavior. As the rain cools down the water, fish may become more active and willing to bite. However, extreme temperature changes, such as a rapid drop, might make fish less active. Monitor the water temperature and adjust your fishing strategy accordingly.

Fish Behavior: Different fish species have varying preferences when it comes to post-rain feeding habits. Some species are more active immediately after rain, while others may take some time to adjust. Research the behavior of the specific fish you are targeting to improve your chances of success.

By considering water conditions, temperature, and fish behavior, you can determine the best time to fish after rain. Remember, experimentation and observation are key to understanding the unique patterns and preferences of fish in rainy or wet weather.

Fishing Strategies for Post-Rain Conditions

When it comes to fishing in post-rain conditions, having the right strategies in place can make a big difference in your success. Whether you find yourself fishing in the rain or during storms, adapting to the changing environment is key. Here are some useful tips and techniques to help you make the most of your fishing experience:

  1. Be mindful of safety: Before heading out, always keep safety as your top priority. Check weather forecasts, dress appropriately, and ensure you have the necessary safety gear, such as life vests or rain jackets, depending on the conditions.
  2. Select the right bait and lures: In post-rain conditions, fish behavior can change, making it important to adjust your bait and lure selection accordingly. Consider using baits that mimic natural prey and lures that create vibrations or attract attention in murky water.
  3. Vary your casting methods: Experiment with different casting techniques to cover a larger area and entice fish to strike. Try casting closer to shore or targeting underwater structures where fish may seek shelter or food.
  4. Locate fish in altered habitats: After rain, water conditions and habitats may undergo significant changes. Use your knowledge of fish behavior and the impact of rain to your advantage. Look for areas of increased water flow, such as inlets or mouths of rivers, where fish may be congregating.
  5. Stay patient and observant: Be patient and observant while fishing in post-rain conditions. Fish may take longer to respond to your bait, so give them time to adjust to the altered environment. Pay attention to any signs of fish activity, such as splashes or ripples on the water’s surface.

Implementing these strategies can greatly enhance your chances of success when fishing in post-rain conditions. Remember, adaptability and a keen understanding of how the weather affects fish behavior will help you make the most of your fishing experience.

“Fishing in post-rain conditions requires adapting to the changing environment and understanding how the weather affects fish behavior. By selecting the right bait, varying your casting methods, and locating fish in altered habitats, you can increase your chances of a successful catch.”

Key StrategiesBenefits
Selecting the right bait and lures– Increases the chances of attracting fish in post-rain conditions
Varying casting methods– Covers a larger area and entices fish to strike
Locating fish in altered habitats– Targets areas where fish congregate after rain
Staying patient and observant– Allows fish time to adjust and increases awareness of fish activity

Adjusting Bait and Lure Selection after Rain

In post-rain conditions, the choice of bait and lures can significantly impact your success as an angler. Understanding how to adapt your selection to entice bites in these conditions is crucial. Follow our fishing tips after rain and adjust your bait and lure presentation for optimal results.

Selecting Appealing Baits and Lures

After rainfall, fish may become more active and eager to feed. To increase your chances of attracting bites, choose baits and lures that mimic natural prey and stand out in the water. Consider using:

  • Live Bait: Worms, minnows, and other live bait are enticing options. The movement and scent they emit are particularly attractive to hungry fish.
  • Brightly Colored Lures: Opt for lures in vibrant colors that create contrast and visibility in the water. This can make your lure more enticing to fish in murky post-rain conditions.
  • Topwater Lures: Post-rain, fish may be more willing to strike at prey on the water’s surface. Experiment with topwater lures such as poppers, buzzbaits, or frogs to entice exciting surface strikes.

Adapting Bait Presentation

Varying your bait presentation can make a significant difference when fishing after rain. Here are some techniques to try:

“Slow and Steady Wins the Race”

When working your bait or lure, opt for a slower retrieval speed. This allows fish to closely examine your offering and increases the chances of a successful strike.

“Go Deeper for Success”

In post-rain conditions, fish may seek deeper waters for shelter and comfort. Adjust your bait presentation by targeting deeper areas where fish are likely to concentrate.

“Imitate Scavenging Behavior”

After rainfall, fish often search for food items that are washed into the water. Mimic this behavior by using baits or lures that imitate wounded or dying prey. This can trigger a feeding response from hungry fish.

Experiment and Observe

Every fishing scenario is unique, and what works one day may not work as well the next. It’s essential to experiment with different baits, lures, and techniques when fishing after rain. Pay attention to the fish’s response and make adjustments accordingly. By being adaptable and observant, you can increase your chances of a successful fishing experience in post-rain conditions.

Locating Fish in Altered Habitats after Rain

When it comes to fishing after rain, understanding how rainfall affects the structure and habitat of the fishing area is key to increasing your chances of a successful catch. Rainfall can lead to changes in water depth and flow patterns, causing fish to seek shelter and food in different areas.

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To effectively locate fish in altered habitats after rain, consider the following fishing tips:

  1. Look for areas with increased water flow: After rain, water levels may rise, creating faster currents. Fish tend to congregate in areas with increased water flow, such as near inlets, shoals, or areas where two bodies of water meet.
  2. Focus on cover and structure: Rain can change the underwater landscape, creating new cover and structure where fish seek refuge. Look for fallen trees, submerged rocks, or vegetation that provide hiding spots and ambush points for fish.
  3. Pay attention to the water temperature: Rainfall can lower the water temperature, which may impact fish behavior. Fish may move to shallower, warmer areas after rain. Use a temperature gauge or observe signs of fish activity to identify these areas.
  4. Consider the clarity of the water: Heavy rain can result in muddy or turbid water conditions. In these situations, fish may prefer sheltered areas with clearer water. Look for pockets of clearer water where fish can see and locate prey more easily.
  5. Observe bird activity: Birds are excellent indicators of fish presence. After rain, birds may gather near areas where fish are actively feeding. Keep an eye out for diving birds or birds circling above the water, as they could lead you to potential hotspots.

By utilizing these fishing tips after rain and adapting your fishing strategy to account for altered habitats, you can increase your chances of finding and catching fish in post-rain conditions.

Fishing TipDescription
Look for areas with increased water flowFish tend to congregate in areas with faster currents, such as near inlets or where two bodies of water meet.
Focus on cover and structureSearch for fallen trees, rocks, or vegetation that provide hiding spots and ambush points for fish.
Pay attention to the water temperatureFish may move to shallower, warmer areas after rain. Monitor the water temperature or observe signs of fish activity to identify these areas.
Consider the clarity of the waterLook for pockets of clearer water where fish can see and locate prey more easily, especially if the overall water condition is muddy or turbid.
Observe bird activityBirds can indicate fish presence. Keep an eye out for diving birds or birds circling above the water as they might lead you to fish feeding areas.

Safety Precautions for Fishing after Rain

When venturing out for a fishing trip after rain or during storms, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. By following essential safety precautions and tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable fishing experience. Here are some guidelines to help you stay protected while pursuing your fishing hobby:

  1. Monitor weather conditions: Before heading out, always check the weather forecast. Pay attention to storm warnings, high winds, or lightning activity. It’s best to postpone your fishing trip if severe weather conditions are expected.
  2. Dress appropriately: Wear suitable attire for wet weather conditions, including a waterproof jacket, pants, and boots. Dressing in layers can help you stay comfortable and adjust to changing temperatures. Don’t forget to wear a hat and apply sunscreen if it’s still sunny despite the rain.
  3. Use proper footwear: Choose sturdy, waterproof boots or waders to keep your feet dry and protected from slipping or injuries. Make sure your footwear has a non-slip sole for better traction on wet surfaces.
  4. Be cautious of slippery surfaces: Wet surfaces can be slippery, especially rocks, docks, or boat decks. Take extra caution when walking or moving around to prevent accidents or falls. Use non-slip mats or grip tapes for added stability.
  5. Stay away from fast-flowing water: Avoid areas with strong currents or swollen rivers caused by heavy rain. These conditions can be dangerous and make it difficult to maintain your balance. It’s safer to fish in calmer waters.
  6. Carry necessary safety equipment: Always have essential safety equipment with you, such as a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD), a whistle or signaling device, and a first aid kit. These items can be lifesavers in emergency situations.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority. By taking these precautions and being aware of your surroundings, you can enjoy fishing after rain or during storms while minimizing any potential risks.

Equipment Maintenance and Care in Wet Conditions

Fishing in wet conditions, whether it’s rainy weather, wet weather, or even during storms, requires extra care and maintenance for your equipment. Protecting your fishing gear from exposure to moisture is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips to help you prevent rust, damage, and other issues caused by wet environments:

  1. Preparation is key: Before heading out for a fishing trip in wet conditions, take the time to prepare your gear. Clean and dry your fishing rods, reels, and other equipment thoroughly. This will help prevent moisture from causing damage.
  2. Invest in protective gear: Consider investing in waterproof covers or cases for your fishing gear. These can help keep your equipment dry during transit and protect it from rain or water splashes while fishing.
  3. Apply a water repellent coating: Applying a water repellent spray or coating to your fishing gear can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture. Focus on areas that are more prone to water exposure, such as rod guides and reel mechanisms.
  4. Regularly inspect for damage: After each fishing trip in wet conditions, inspect your equipment for any signs of damage or rust. Pay close attention to screws, nuts, and other small parts that may be susceptible to corrosion. Replace or repair any damaged parts as necessary.
  5. Proper storage: When not in use, store your fishing gear in a dry and well-ventilated area. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or in a damp environment, as this can accelerate corrosion and damage.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your fishing gear in top condition, allowing you to enjoy your fishing adventures even in wet weather conditions.

Making the Most of Your Post-Rain Fishing Experience

When it comes to fishing after rain, there are specific tips and strategies you can implement to enhance your fishing experience. By considering factors such as water clarity, fish species behavior, and angling techniques, you can maximize your chances of a successful catch. Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you make the most of your post-rain fishing trips:

  1. Observe water clarity: After rain, the water may become murky or discolored. This can affect fish visibility and their ability to spot bait. Use baits and lures that create vibrations to attract fish in low-visibility conditions.
  2. Focus on active fish: After rain, fish tend to be more active and actively feeding. Target areas such as shallow structures or drop-offs where fish may take cover or seek out food stirred up by the rain.
  3. Experiment with bait selection: Changes in water conditions and fish behavior after rain may require adjusting your bait selection. Consider using live bait or fresh-cut bait to entice bites from fish that are actively seeking food.
  4. Vary your angling techniques: Different fish species may respond better to certain angling techniques during post-rain conditions. Experiment with techniques like casting and retrieving at varying speeds or using different retrieval patterns to identify what works best for the fish you are targeting.
  5. Watch weather patterns: Keep an eye on weather patterns even after the rain has stopped. Fish may continue to be active during the post-rain period, especially if there are intermittent showers or cloud cover.
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By implementing these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of success when fishing after rain. Remember that every fishing trip is a learning experience, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies and techniques to find what works best for you.

Gear and Tackle Recommendations for Fishing after Rain

When it comes to fishing after rain, having the right gear and tackle can significantly enhance your chances of success. The post-rain conditions bring unique challenges and opportunities, and equipping yourself appropriately can make all the difference in landing your desired fish species. Whether you prefer freshwater or saltwater fishing, these gear and tackle recommendations will help you maximize your post-rain fishing experience.

Fishing Rod and Reel

Choose a fishing rod and reel combination that suits the type of fishing you plan to do after rain. Depending on the water conditions and the size of the fish you’re targeting, consider the following:

  • Spinning Rod and Reel: Versatile and suitable for various fishing techniques, spinning rods and reels are a popular choice for post-rain fishing.
  • Baitcasting Rod and Reel: If you’re targeting larger fish or prefer casting accuracy, a baitcasting rod and reel combo may be the right option for you.
  • Surfcasting Rod and Reel: For saltwater anglers, a surfcasting rod and reel combination offers the casting distance needed to reach often deeper waters.

Fishing Line

The right fishing line is crucial for fishing after rain. Opt for a line that is suitable for the fish species you’re targeting and accounts for the potentially changed water conditions. Consider the following options:

  • Monofilament Line: Monofilament lines are versatile and offer good knot strength, making them a reliable choice for most post-rain fishing conditions.
  • Fluorocarbon Line: Known for its low visibility underwater, fluorocarbon lines can be advantageous when fishing in clear or heavily pressured waters.
  • Braided Line: Offering excellent strength and sensitivity, braided lines are ideal for fishing in snag-prone areas or when targeting larger fish.

Terminal Tackle

Choosing the right terminal tackle is essential to successfully hook and land fish after rain. Here are some recommended terminal tackle options:

  • Hooks: Select hooks of appropriate size and strength based on the fish species you’re targeting. Hooks with barbs or bait-holding features can help keep your bait secure in the water.
  • Sinkers and Weights: Depending on the fishing conditions and depths, carry a variety of sinkers and weights to ensure your bait or lure reaches the desired fishing zone.
  • Swivels and Snaps: Attach swivels and snaps to your fishing line for easy lure or bait changes and to prevent line twist caused by the fish’s movements.
  • Floats and Bobbers: If you’re fishing in shallow or still waters, using floats or bobbers can help suspend your bait at the desired depth and indicate fish bites.

Baits and Lures

After rain, fish may exhibit different feeding patterns, requiring adjustments in your bait and lure selection. Consider the following options to entice bites:

  • Live Bait: Freshly caught or purchased live baits, such as worms, minnows, or crickets, can be highly effective for attracting fish after rain.
  • Artificial Lures: Use artificial lures that mimic the prey fish commonly found in the post-rain fishing area. Soft plastics, crankbaits, and spinnerbaits are versatile options.
  • Topwater Lures: If fish are more active on the water’s surface, try using topwater lures, such as poppers, buzzbaits, or frogs, to trigger exciting surface strikes.

Additional Accessories

Don’t forget the essential accessories that can enhance your post-rain fishing experience:

  • Tackle Box: Organize and store your gear in a tackle box that is waterproof or resistant to protect your fishing equipment from the elements.
  • Fishing Hat and Sunglasses: Shield yourself from the sun’s rays or potential showers with a comfortable fishing hat and polarized sunglasses to enhance visibility in changing light conditions.
  • Fishing Gloves: Keep your hands protected and comfortable with a pair of fishing gloves that offer a good grip and protect against the elements.
  • Fishing Pliers and Tools: Carry a set of fishing pliers and other tools for easy hook removal, line cutting, and any other adjustments needed during your fishing trip.

By equipping yourself with the right gear and tackle for fishing after rain, you’ll be well-prepared to take advantage of the unique opportunities these conditions present. Remember, adjusting your strategy and gear according to the post-rain conditions can significantly increase your chances of a successful and enjoyable fishing experience.


Fishing after rain can offer anglers a rewarding and fruitful experience. By understanding the benefits and adjusting your fishing strategies to post-rain conditions, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful catch. Our tips and techniques provide valuable insights on how to make the most of your fishing trips after rain and embrace the unique opportunities that wet weather brings.

One of the advantages of fishing after rain is the increased activity in the water. The rainfall can stimulate fish to feed more actively, making them more receptive to your bait or lure. Adjusting your tactics to target their changed behavior and locating fish in altered habitats can give you an edge in landing your desired catch.

However, it’s essential to prioritize your safety when fishing after rain or during storms. Taking necessary precautions, such as monitoring weather conditions and wearing appropriate attire, ensures a secure and enjoyable fishing experience. Additionally, proper care and maintenance of your fishing gear in wet conditions will extend its lifespan and optimize its performance.

Remember, by following our comprehensive guide and implementing the techniques and strategies outlined, you can elevate your post-rain fishing adventures to the next level. Embrace the opportunities that wet weather presents, adapt to the changing conditions, and enhance your chances of a successful fishing trip.


Is it good to fish after rain?

Yes, fishing after rain can be advantageous for anglers. The increased activity in the water and changes in fish behavior can improve your chances of a successful catch. However, it’s important to adjust your fishing strategy and techniques to maximize your results in post-rain conditions.

What are the benefits of fishing after rain?

Fishing after rain offers several benefits. The rainwater runoff can lead to increased food sources for fish, making them more active and feeding. Additionally, the cloudy and overcast conditions can provide better cover for anglers, making it easier to approach and attract fish. The cooler water temperatures after rain can also be ideal for certain fish species.

How do fish behavior change after rain?

Rainy weather can significantly impact fish behavior. Fish may become more active and feed more aggressively, seeking out the newly available food sources. They may also move into shallower areas, where runoff brings in fresh nutrients. Understanding these changes in behavior can help you adjust your fishing techniques accordingly.

When is the best time to fish after rain?

The best time to fish after rain is typically once the rain has stopped and the weather begins to clear. This allows the water to settle, returning to normal conditions, and gives fish time to adjust. It’s also essential to consider factors such as water temperature, water clarity, and fish behavior to determine the optimal time to fish after rain.

What are some fishing strategies for post-rain conditions?

When fishing after rain, it’s crucial to adjust your strategy to suit the changed conditions. Use lures and baits that mimic the increased food sources in the water, such as worms or minnows. Focus on areas with runoff, where nutrients and food are more concentrated. Additionally, consider using slower retrieve speeds and experimenting with different casting techniques to entice bites.

How do I locate fish in altered habitats after rain?

After rain, fish may move to different areas and habitats due to changes in water depth and flow patterns. Look for areas with structure and cover, such as fallen branches or vegetation, as fish seek shelter and food there. Pay attention to areas of runoff or inflows where fresh nutrients and food sources may be concentrated.

What safety precautions should I take when fishing after rain?

Safety should always be a priority when fishing after rain or during storms. It’s essential to wear proper attire, including waterproof clothing and non-slip footwear, to protect yourself from wet conditions. Monitor the weather forecast before heading out and avoid fishing during severe weather. Always carry a first aid kit, and be cautious of slippery surfaces and swift currents.

How do I maintain and care for my fishing equipment in wet conditions?

Fishing in wet conditions can expose your equipment to moisture, potentially causing rust and damage. To protect your gear, thoroughly dry it after each use and store it in a dry place. Consider using waterproof cases or bags to protect your tackle. Regularly check for signs of rust or damage and clean your equipment following manufacturer guidelines.

How can I make the most of my post-rain fishing experience?

To maximize your post-rain fishing trips, pay attention to factors such as water clarity, fish species behavior, and angling techniques. Adjust your bait and lure selection according to the available food sources. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and casting techniques to entice bites. Stay observant of changing conditions and adapt your strategy accordingly for the best results.

What gear and tackle should I use when fishing after rain?

When fishing after rain, it’s important to have the right gear. Choose a fishing rod and reel combination suitable for your target fish species and the fishing conditions. Use lures or baits that mimic the prevalent food sources in the water. Additionally, ensure your tackle is suitable for wet conditions, and consider using stronger hooks or lines to handle potentially more active fish.

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